PNR Expert Conversion API is now live! 🎉 Click here to see more!

Quick Start Guide to Using the PNR Expert PNR Conversion API

Step 1: Sign Up

Firstly you'll need to sign in to your account, or sign up if you don't already have one.

Step 2: Get Your Auth Token

Log in to your admin account to retrieve your auth bearer token.

Step 3: Send a POST Request

Send a POST request to the endpoint:

Key Information:

Make sure to include your auth bearer token in the headers and the PNR in the request body with the key pnr.

POST /api/v1/pnr HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

  "pnr": "YOUR_PNR_HERE"


Q: Why do I get "redirected" when I query the endpoint?

A: Make sure you're querying and not

Q: I've cancelled my subscription and then reinstated, has my key changed?

A: Yes, that's right. For security, every new subscription will have a new key.