Convert your raw PNRs into branded, customer-friendly travel itineraries & e-tickets
Free online flight itinerary converter for Smartpoint, Galileo, Amadeus, Sabre, Worldspan GDS' and more! How Does it work?

What is PNR Expert Plus?
Unlock the full potential of PNR Expert with Plus
Branded Itineraries
Use our drag and drop itinerary builder to create beautiful, branded itineraries for your customers.Cancellation and Change Fees
Display your agency’s cancellation and change fees on your itineraries, making sure your customers know exactly what they are getting into.E-ticket Numbers
Create flight e-tickets for your customers, allowing them to check in online and access their boarding passes. PNR Expert Plus allows you to show eticket numbers and airline references on your itineraries.Individual Agent Contact Details
Give your customers the ability to contact their agent directly. PNR Expert Plus allows you to display your agent’s contact details on your itineraries.Shareable Itinerary Links
Share your itineraries with your customers via a unique link, allowing them to access their itinerary from anywhere, or easily share their travel plans with friends and family.Custom Airline Codes
Add custom airline codes to your itineraries.Save time from manually editing flight details, ideal if you deal with a lot of charter or private airlines.Additional Itinerary Layouts
Get additional, professionally designed itinerary layouts to choose from, allowing you to create the perfect itinerary for your customers.Create Quotes
Turn your itineraries into quotes, add pricing for Adults, Children, and Infants, and display the total cost of the trip to your customers.
Why PNR Expert?
We've built PNR Expert to be the most advanced PNR parsing tool on the market. Here are some key features that set us apart from the competition.
PNR Expert will never charge you for conversions.Quick
Quickly and easily convert flight itineraries from all major GDS into something your customers can read easily.Customizable
A huge range of layouts and customization options allows you to personalize your itineraries, making sure you stand out from the competition.Carrier Details
Display the operating carrier’s details, not the flight numbers. PNR Expert allows your customers to know exactly which airline they will be flying with.Interline Stops
PNR Expert will alert you to any interline or technical stops in your flight itinerary, meaning no nasty surprises for your clients.Flight Summary
With flight summary information displayed, your customers can tell at a quick glance the full journey time between points including all flight segments and transit times.Carbon Offsetting
Allow customers to make the right choice for the planet, with full CO2 emissions and the ability to offset them as part of your workflow.Up-to-date
We provide the most up-to-date and accurate information of any PNR Conversion tool. We update our systems weekly with new airports and airlines, meaning the data you convert is always accurate.
PNR Expert Plus
PNR Expert Plus provides you with a suite of tools, designed to help you create visually engaging itineraries that will impress your customers.

What is PNR Expert?
PNR Expert is a free conversion tool that allows you to decode cryptic flight itineraries from your PNRs and create beautiful, customer friendly flight itineraries.
PNR Expert creates smart, clean and attractive itineraries that your customters will love. PNR Expert is the most advanced, flexible way to convert PNRs to be found anywhere on the web, and it's completely free!
With a huge number of customisation options. PNR Expert allows you to personalise the layout to the customer, chooseing whether or not to show your customers the airline name, flight duration, flight distance, transit time and cabin class.
PNR Expert works with all GDS's including Sabre, Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan and Smartpoint
PNR Expert allows you to convert this cryptic PNR...
1 NH 212 U 28JUN 4 LHRHND DK1 1900 1440 29JUN E 0 77W M 2 NH 085 B 29JUN 5 HNDNGO DK1 1740 1840 29JUN E 0 738 3 NH 086 B 12JUL 4 NGOHND DK1 0755 0900 12JUL E 0 738 4 NH 211 Q 12JUL4 HNDLHR DK1 1135 1610 12JUL E 0 77W M

Copy to clipboard with the click of a button

Build branded itineraries with our Branded Itinerary Builder

No more cryptic PNRs, convert them to a user-friendly, easy to read format format

Over 5000 display variations available, customise results to suit your customer's needs

...into this clear, readable, visually engaging travel itinerary
No commitment, no contracts, cancel anytime
Integrate PNR Expert into your app or website with our API
The PNR Expert conversion API is designed to allow you easily integrate PNR Expert into your app or website.
Simply send a post request to our API with your PNR and we'll send you back all flight and passenger details in a structured JSON format.
Our API returns the following data:
Passenger Names
Flight Details
Technical Stops
PNR Layovers
'Operated By' Carrier when different to the flight number
Carbon Emissions
Helping Reduce your flight's carbon footprint
From emissions reduction, conservation and carbon removal, you can be assured that your voluntary carbon offset is making a real, and sustained difference.

PNR Expert work with Cnaught's climate impact portfolio to support a range of projects that are helping to reduce carbon emissions around the world.

PNR Expert's easy interface builds carbon offsetting straight into your workflow. Accurately calculate the carbon based on the PNR and a get a quote within seconds.

Full AccesRail support
PNR Expert has now integrated access to AccessRail allowing us to show provide rail and bus segments.
With over 200 rail and bus stations across 36 rail operators in our system, you can be confident that all travel segments of your journey will display correctly with PNR Expert
PNR Expert now supports converting GDS content from National Express, SCNF, SNCB, Korail and more, directly in your itineraries.
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